Diversion Safes

Diversion safes are great for hiding your valuables. Diversion safes look like normal household items such as pop/beer cans, household cleaners, books, wall outlets and much more.

Burglars spend an average of 8 minutes inside the home they're robbing. They just want to get in, steal what they can, and get out as quickly as possible.

The longer they're sneaking around your home, the more chance they'll get caught.

They are looking for easy targets like your jewelry box, desk drawers, and other known places where they "think" you're hiding things.

Put the odds in your favor...hide your valuables in plain sight! These diversion safes are a unique home-security product. Valuables can be discreetly stored inside these decoy look-a-like containers and kept in their seemingly rightful places.

We offer a wide variety of personal care, household products and food containers with removable tops and bottoms. Each hidden safe is indistinguishable from the genuine product and is even weighted to feel full.

Secret items, money, jewelry, passports, and anything else that just can't get stolen or even found. These hidden safes provide the level of secrecy and security you need to keep things out of other people's hands.

Diversion safes have kept criminals from getting valuables for a long time. One of our most popular hidden safes is the book safe. Since it's made out of a real book, you can place it right in your book shelf and it blends in perfectly with your collection. In fact, if you don't remember where you put it, your burglar won't be able to find it either.

Our can safes, jars, and other safes are equally camouflaged and disguised. And since you can't tell the difference, a thief won't be able to either!

None of these expertly disguised diversion safes have any product in them that their label suggests. Although they do look and feel like the real thing!

Mike loves a clean house, and he spends at least an hour a day cleaning. It’s a shame that his lazy housemates have no interest in cleaning, they really are...
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Every bathroom has a can of shaving cream under the sink or even next to it. Who would suspect that yours actually has a hidden compartment inside? This can...
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Garage Hidden Safe Engine degreaser hidden safe is a good hiding place for valuables in your workshop or garage. No one will ever suspect that this...
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This unique hidden home diversion safe is extremely convincing and will blend into the other items into your home without issue. If you are looking for home...
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Jill works as a hairdresser and specializes in up-dos for fancy weddings. There’s no limit to the magic she can weave with a serious back-combing session...
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Iced Tea Hidden Safe Arizona Iced Tea safes offers you a safe place to keep your valuables without having to hide the container. You can keep this...
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Garden Safe Stone safes look like ordinary stones out in the yard which make them handy for storing an extra house key for your teen who gets home from...
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Soda Can Safes These normal looking soda cans are secretly soda can safes. Place these hidden safes in your pantry or refrigerator to keep your...

If you’re looking for a hidden safe book, look no further. This small home safe looks so realistic that even the craftiest burglar will not be able to spot...
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